
Tech guides & industry insights

Growth Hacking Tips for Mobile Application

Growth Hacking Tips for Mobile Application

March 03, 2020 - 2 min to read

Once your mobile app is launched how can you make it stand out in the App store? What are the key ways of making sure your users stay faithful and don’t just uninstall your app?
10 Tips to Build Your Own Web Portal in 2020

10 Tips to Build Your Own Web Portal in 2020

February 24, 2020 - 2 min to read

A web portal is a type of website that is used to collect all of the information on a web domain and present it in ways that users find easy to manage.
What Is the Future of Testing?

What Is the Future of Testing?

February 20, 2020 - 2 min to read

There have been some major improvements in the way that software is tested, yet it can still be hit and miss.
Software Marketing Strategies for Startup and Entrepreneurs

Software Marketing Strategies for Startup and Entrepreneurs

February 19, 2020 - 1 min to read

If you are a startup or entrepreneur involved in software development, you will need a good strategy to market the software.
Salesforce Consultants — Do I Need One?

Salesforce Consultants — Do I Need One?

February 13, 2020 - 2 min to read

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps your company by providing a set of tools that empower your organization.
Is Your Organization Ready to Evolve Digital?

Is Your Organization Ready to Evolve Digital?

February 11, 2020 - 2 min to read

Companies worldwide understand how important it is to reorganize their business processesand embrace the digital transformation.
How We Keep up with Changing Mobile Development Technologies

How We Keep up with Changing Mobile Development Technologies

February 10, 2020 - 3 min to read

Mobile usage has increased dramatically over the years and technology changes all the time with new tools appearing almost weekly.
How to Get More Business Value Out of Data

How to Get More Business Value Out of Data

February 06, 2020 - 2 min to read

Big Data is the latest Big Thing in the business world, yet in 2016 it was estimated by Gartner that 60% of big data projects were unsuccessful and that number increased to 85% by 2017.

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