Five Good Reasons for Outsourcing User Experience (UX) Design

Published: January 29, 2019Updated: March 10, 2022
2 min to read
Five Good Reasons for Outsourcing User Experience (UX) Design

UX Design is about making the user experience as meaningful and valuable as possibleand is more and more becoming key to marketplace success. Many companies have in-house UX Designteams but more and more are choosing to outsource to gain access to expert knowledge and experience.

In a world where more business interactions are done digitally, excellence in UX a critical factor, withgood UX a business’ conversion rates can be increased by up to 400%.

Here Are 5 Good Reasons for Outsourcing UX Design:

1. Staying on Trend

Like may other sectors UX design changes constantly in response to new trends and in order to keep an in-house team up-to-date a company could waste a lot of time and money. Outsourcing allows managers to access individuals with up-to-the-minute knowledge and expertise and use them as an autonomous team or to augment in-house staff.

2. Access to Greater Expertise and Creativity

Outsourcing gives a company access to a huge pool of experts who specialize in UX Design and who have worked on a huge number of different projects. Alongside their expertise, outsourced experts often approach things from a different angle, providing new and creative UX solutions. A little distance from a project means that they are less set on existing ideas and more willing to look at new ones. Businesses can also use the team to get ideas for revamping their own internal teams and processes.

3. Objectivity

An objective perspective is something that is more easy to obtain from outside the company. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can look at a problem and find a unique, innovative solution. This is often all it needs to overcome a snag, plus new ideas can be used by a company to help revitalize its internal processes. An outside team can also cut across internal company politics when providing an objective assessment of a project and making suggestions to take it forward.

4. Allows the Company to Focus on Core Competencies

UX design is difficult especially when it is not the sole focus of a business. Hiring UX design experts can be challenging when faced with the number of specialties in the industry but it does mean that a business can hire according to specific need, freeing up an in-house team to work on other key areas. Instead of wasting time trying to develop an in-house team, the outside UX design team can deliver a quick, efficient, and expert solution to a companies UX design needs.

5. Increased Scalability

In the UX industry there is always a lot to do at the start of a project and this will decrease over time. This fluctuation makes it hard to scale an internal team and companies can end up with a mismatch in workforce vs workload later. External teams can adapt to the fluctuations more easily and shift their area of work when needed, thus ameliorating the worry associated with over or under hiring for the project.

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