Data science development & consulting services

Discover, visualize and analyze data with DS consulting services. We deal with structured and unstructured data to improve your organization.
37%annual AI market growth rate before 2030
60%up to of overall cost reductions
50%increased leads
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Icon of Certificate
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Icon of Certificate
37%annual AI market growth rate before 2030
60%up to of overall cost reductions
50%increased leads

Data science as a service

We cover all of your needs in Data Science, Machine Learning and AI.


Consulting & research

Want to get more out of data but not sure where to begin?

We’ll guide you through the world of data science.


Data science development

Have a specific data science project in mind?

We handle all stages of data science, including and data mining (CRISP-DM). From business understanding to deployment.


DS & BI tool integration

Want to introduce a ready made data science tool?

Save your budget and let us integrate your workflow with data science tools of your choice. Platform independent.


Data science outstaffing

Have trouble finding data science talent?

Hire data scientists and engineers quickly and with no bureaucracy.

83% of companies claim that AI is a top priority in their business strategies – Forbes.

Book a free consultation with a data scientist

Find out how data science fits into your organization. No strings attached.

Case studies

AI Chatbot for an eLearning SaaS Platform

AI Chatbot for an eLearning SaaS Platform

AI Chatbot for an eLearning SaaS Platform

Read how we developed an AI chatbot that automates customer support for an eLearning SaaS platform. We trained an LLM model that automates 1 and 2 support lines.

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AI-based behavior analysis & sales forecast for retail

AI-based behavior analysis & sales forecast for retail

AI-based behavior analysis & sales forecast for retail

A retail giant with 3 million customers sought to leverage their user data for sales forecasting. We used AI to analyze customer behavior and store insights, delivering actionable sales forecasts.

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AI-based document workflow assistant

AI-based document workflow assistant

AI-based document workflow assistant

We trained an AI LLM to navigate in company documents and answer support questions. Learn how to develop an ML chatbot assistant based on LLM.

Explore Project

When data science consulting is required

In a world drowning in data, the need for data science consulting has never been more apparent. From finding data insights to optimizing your workflow, you can harness the potential of data science with us.

Get more insights from data

Enterprises and smaller businesses pile up loads of data over time. With data science, you can finally put the data to good use. Analyze your processes, identify causes, predict future trends, and get actionable recommendations to improve.

Discover how to implement data science & AI

Data Science, AI, and ML have just become mainstream. Even if company leaders are not sure how to apply data science, there is plenty of evidence that it works. Let us dive into your workflow and find out optimal solutions for DS implementation.

Improve existing models & DS tools

Already have a DS/ML/AI solution? We can make it better. Both AI and DS tools are only as good as the dataset quality. We improve existing solutions by aligning the model with your goals, and improving the DS tools.

Data science code & peer review

Developing a DS/ ML/ AI solution? Get a fresh perspective from data science experts with industry experience. Comply with regulations, improve code quality, and catch issues early with data science peer and code review.

From unlocking untapped insights to optimizing existing models, we’re your partners in navigating the data-driven landscape. Let’s transform possibilities into results.

Data science services we offer

We cover all of your data science needs: from consulting to development. We got it covered.

Business understanding

Learn how Data Science can be applied to your organization. Talk to industry experts and business analysts to see the big picture.

Data mining & ML

Use Machine Learning algorithms to make the best out of your data.

Cloud computing

Get processing and storage power for your data science projects. Hire cloud development services.

Database design

Develop databases ready for DS. Manage and secure your database. Clean and organize your data.

Data analysis

Our data analysts will make sense of your data. Get any type of analysis: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, or prescriptive.

Looking for more services? We are full cycle software developers, so we’re ready to handle all related services: UX/UI, database design, 3D modeling, business analysis – we can cover the whole scope of your project.

Have a project in mind?

Discuss your project with our DS experts.

True data science experts

There are 3 core elements to data science. We cover them all.

Industry expertise

Partners choose us to analyze and solve business problems. We have experts in 15+ industries.

Math & statistics

Our data scientists know their math. We employ experts with PhD and Masters degrees.

Computer science

We have 22+ years of software development experience with 60+ long term projects.

AI will increase the US GDP by 21% before 2030 – Forbes.

DS solutions we provide

Tackle any business issue with data science consulting services. We consult and develop any DS-related project.

Descriptive analytics

Reveal trends and insights from your historical data. Get a snapshot of your true business performance.

Diagnostic analytics

Learn why stuff happens. Uncover root causes and understand what influences your outcomes.

Predictive analytics

Anticipate the future. Use historical patterns to calculate outcomes with ML and neural networks.

Prescriptive analytics

Move from insights to action. Make data driven decisions and find the optimal course of action.

Business intelligence (BI)

Transform raw data into visual reports and gain actionable insights.

Data warehousing

Centralize and optimize your data storage. Ensure efficient management, retrieval, and analysis of large datasets.

Anomaly detection

Identify unusual patterns in your data. Intervene early and maintain data integrity.

Risk management

Calculate the risks. Get proactive strategies for a resilient business.

Product quality

Adhere to the highest quality standards by automatically analyzing your production process.

Image analysis

Provide automated visual inspection. Recognize objects, faces, and emotions.

Centralize your data, detect anomalies, and ensure the highest quality standards. Move beyond insights to action with our tailored consulting services. Your path to data-driven success starts here.

Real-life DS applications for any industry

Data science helps all sorts of companies. From large enterprises to small startups, knowledge is power.


Improve the education process. Analyze learners’ behavior, tailor lessons to every student, identify at-risk students, and free teachers’ time with automated grading.

Logistics & supply

Step up your supply chain with data, from predictive maintenance to demand forecasting. Streamline operations, optimize routes, and enhance logistics efficiency.


Transform patient care and comply with HIPAA. Find the best treatment plans and optimize drug dosages.


Boost sales and customer satisfaction. Reshape online shopping and understand market trends. Provide personalized recommendations or dynamic pricing.


Take the lead in algorithmic trading and analyze market trends. Develop a risk management guardian to identify pitfalls and improve decision-making.

Other industries

Every industry can benefit from data. Get in touch to learn about data science implementation for your business.

Industry expertise is important. That’s why we have experts with experience in +15 different industries. We enhance efficiency, minimize risks, and fuel innovation.

Need to check an idea fast?

Here’s how fast we usually deliver results. This depends on lots of factors, and our experts can estimate your specific project: normally 2 weeks for the PoC and 3-5 months for a typical MVP.

Data science lifecycle

We follow CRISP-DM, the international standard for data mining. The stages are flexible, and we can start at any point to build you a perfect model. Here are the steps:


01Business understanding

We’ll grasp your goals and challenges to find out how machine learning will help you.


02Data understanding

Learn the strengths and limitations of your data.


03Data preparation

We will help gather, clean, and organize your data for analysis. The better your data, the better the ML model.



We’ll build and train your machine learning model.



We’ll check how accurate the model is and how well it tackles your business challenges.



We’ll integrate the model into your business.

Clean, organized data lays the foundation for a powerful ML model. We ensure accuracy and effectiveness, integrating the solution seamlessly into your business.

Benefit from data science

Every project is unique. Every company is unique. That’s why we tailor our approach to your business needs. But here are just a few examples of how organizations transform with data science.

Supercharge workforce efficiency

Automate mundane tasks and lighten the employee workload using natural language processing and computer vision.

Cut maintenance costs

Implement predictive monitoring and preventive maintenance to save on future expenses.

Rev up operations

Fine-tune processes with demand forecasting and predictive modeling for peak production efficiency.

Increase customer satisfaction

Analyze customer behavior to make shopping more pleasant for your clients.

Streamline warehouse operations

Predict stock liquidity and forecast sales volumes. Use advanced analytics to optimize warehouse flow.

Tailor your customer approach

Craft personalized offers based on customer behavior data, ensuring a bespoke shopping experience.

Break free from traditional coding

When traditional development feels long and costly, machine learning is your agile solution.

Enhance marketing strategies

Refine your marketing approach with data-driven insights. Optimize campaigns, target audiences effectively, and maximize your ROI.

Fine-tune HR processes

Revolutionize human resource management with data-driven hiring decisions, employee engagement strategies, and predictive workforce analytics.

Improve manufacturing processes

Boost efficiency in manufacturing through predictive maintenance, demand forecasting, and quality control using data science.

Optimize energy consumption

Analyze energy usage patterns to reduce costs and enhance sustainability. Implement predictive models and go green.

Strengthen cybersecurity

Guard against cyber threats using advanced data analysis. Identify patterns indicative of potential security breaches and fortify your digital defenses.

Improve every aspect of your business. Marketing, operations, customer satisfaction – all gets better when you leverage your data.

Our data science methods

To get insights into your data, we apply the whole arsenal of data science. From math and statistics to machine learning and neural networks.


Descriptive statistics. To aggregate user engagement metrics, detect anomalies in website traffic, and visualize trends in product usage data.

Time Series Models: AR, MA, ARMA and ARIMA. To predict traffic fluctuations, stock market volatility, and demand variations.

Bayesian inference. To predict website downtime, identify likelihoods of bugs, and model geographical patterns in user behavior.

Non-NN machine learning

Classical ML Models. Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Clustering Algorithms (K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering).

Gradient Boosting Models. XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost.

Dimensionality Reduction. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE).

Neural networks

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). For image- and video related tasks: image classification, object detection, and facial recognition.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). For sequential data analysis: predicting user behavior patterns or forecasting stock prices.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). For modeling long-range dependencies: predicting long-term trends in financial markets, understanding context, and analyzing patterns in time-series data.

Autoencoders. For dimensionality reduction and feature learning: compressing and reconstructing images, enhancing anomaly detection in industrial equipment, and improving feature extraction in signal processing.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). For data generation and manipulation tasks, like creating realistic synthetic images and enhancing dataset diversity for training ML models.

We cover most types of data science methods. Didn’t find yours? Reach out for more info.

Our data science tech stack

This is the list of technologies we use to provide high-quality Data Science development services.

Platforms & services

Frameworks & libraries

Databases we are using

Let’s talk technology

Have a rare tech stack on your project? We are open to new solutions.

What clients say about us

We are a trusted DS partner with a five star rating on Clutch. This is what partners say about us.

Bright team caring about their clients

Aristek Systems has increased our velocity by 25%. Aristek’s team has been efficient and flexible, ensuring an effective workflow. Their positive attitude, personable approach, and genuine interest in our success have been hallmarks of their work.

Flexibility & adaptation to clients needs

We’re delighted with Aristek Systems’ work; they’ve delivered a platform with great uptimes and take care of any issue that arises. Aristek Systems uses Slack, Jira, Notion, and Google Meet to keep a communicative and punctual process. The flexibility is great, too.

Responsiveness at all levels & thoughtfulness about duties

Aristek Systems met 100% of our requirements within the first month of implementation. The team increased the company’s market share by 45% within the first year of the product release. The customized solution software was successfully introduced to 50 states.


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