
Tech guides & industry insights

Giving Great Customer Service Using Chatbots

Giving Great Customer Service Using Chatbots

October 24, 2018 - 3 min to read

Chatbots are the rising star in customer services with these virtual assistants appearing all over the internet, providing a reactive, efficient customer interface. However, despite their popularity, unless the chatbot makes the customer experience more positive they won’t fulfil their potential and could end up costing you money and reputation.
Project Management: 7 Best Mobile Apps

Project Management: 7 Best Mobile Apps

October 23, 2018 - 5 min to read

If you’re a project manager you’ll appreciate how important having top of the range management tools to hand are to help you keep the team moving forward. However, these days you also need to keep mobile. Here are some of the best mobile apps out there to help you meet all your project management goals.
Project Management:  Quick Tips to Stop Budget Overrun

Project Management: Quick Tips to Stop Budget Overrun

October 18, 2018 - 3 min to read

Keeping within budget is one of the key measures of success when it comes to project management. Most companies do not have unlimited funds so controlling the budget is a key way of keeping the stakeholders happy. We have compiled 5 basic tips to help you stop the dreaded budget overrun.
Project Management: What Is a Scrum Master?

Project Management: What Is a Scrum Master?

October 15, 2018 - 3 min to read

Scrum Managers are enjoying a hike in demand as companies look to become more agile. Here we take a look at what the Scrum Master does, where to go to get certified and how opportunities in the field continue to grow.
IT Roles: What Is a Product Manager?

IT Roles: What Is a Product Manager?

October 12, 2018 - 2 min to read

The role of the Product Manager is to develop an understanding of the market, customers and how much demand there is for a product, service or software. During a project their main role is as the go-to person, and they need to be able to maintain a balance between the input, feedback and concerns of multiple departments, users, management, clients and stakeholders.
Computer Science Degrees — Reasons to Ignore Them

Computer Science Degrees — Reasons to Ignore Them

October 10, 2018 - 3 min to read

Computer Science is the combination of amazing technology and intellectualism. Both have brought great advances, so it is surprising that combining the two hasn’t lived up to its early promise. Alongside the wonderful new programming languages, search algorithms and so on, CS theories are seldom needed or used in real world situations.
Salesforce Implementation — Planning to User Adoption in 6 Steps

Salesforce Implementation — Planning to User Adoption in 6 Steps

October 09, 2018 - 3 min to read

Salesforce claims that most customers get a 37% average increase in revenue with a quality Salesforce installation so good planning and implementation are vital. These 6 steps will help get the best outcome for your company.
Software Product Development — a Detailed Guide

Software Product Development — a Detailed Guide

October 04, 2018 - 3 min to read

Software development is very specific and particular attention is needed at key points during product development. In this article we detail what these are and their impact.

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