Software Maintenance and Support

Published: March 05, 2018Updated: May 14, 2022
3 min to read
Software Maintenance and Support

Software assists in optimizing business processes at all company development stages. Customized systems help reduce expenses (time and financial), expand activities and improve analytical procedures.

The stage of active software usage starts after its installation and shakedown period are over. It is essential to support its work and supervise its technical state. The stability and robustness of information resources provide the company success. Therefore, each leader has to take care of software maintenance and support services.

What Does This Service Include?

Software maintenance and support services include different things for different companies. The procedure consists of stages whose nature and technology depend on the system type and processed data volumes.

This service involves the following procedures:

  • Software installation and delete
    The installation may be required if the database is updated or company expansion (new staff is hired).
  • Technical support
    IT-specialists provide consulting, define checking algorithms, diagnostics and monitoring. If there is a problem with software installed, technical specialists delete it and restore the operativity of damaged blocks or system.
  • Program maintenance
    Setting, diagnostics and control over the software work. Professionals control software access? Data safety and synchronize the work of all available systems.

What Programs Need Support Services?

Company activities involve the constant interaction of various software products. Some of them do not need any special knowledge to be updated and optimized as well as add other options. Any common employees (users) can maintain such software.

The other part of company resources includes sophisticated applications and software complexes that should be maintained by a specialist. They include:

  • operating systems;
  • utilities;
  • database management software;
  • office applications, browsers;
  • mailing systems, e-mails;
  • antivirus software;
  • integrated information systems without reference to a definite industry;
  • workflow software, accounting software and clients’ databases;
  • system software.

Choosing a Company for Software Maintenance and Support Services

The best way is to delegate software maintenance to its developers. If here is no such an opportunity? We suggest the following choice criteria:

  • A company guarantees software maintenance and support services after a customer’s application or within certain terms.
  • The staff is qualified and has long work experience.
  • Specialists have access to novel technical resources.
  • They perform expertises, investigations, tests which are used to implement customized updated software components.

State company chiefs and private entrepreneurs should not ignore these software maintenance and support services. The procedure is a key point for the company to work without breaks and failures. Aristek Systems team will supervise the information resources state and help eliminate any errors in systems at the initial stage without damaging company activities.

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