
Tech guides & industry insights

Successful Companies That Outsourced Some of Their Development

Successful Companies That Outsourced Some of Their Development

January 03, 2019 - 3 min to read

Although cutting costs is one reason for outsourcing software development, many companies also recognize that these providers can be used to boost innovation within their own business.
Spam: How You Can Fight It

Spam: How You Can Fight It

December 27, 2018 - 3 min to read

Spam Is a Real Nuisance for Anyone With a Website and While It Used to Be That Spam Would Only Affect the Big Websites, Nowadays It Targets Any Website Regardless of Size.
Outsourcing IT? How to Stay in Control

Outsourcing IT? How to Stay in Control

December 21, 2018 - 3 min to read

The benefits of outsourcing are wide-reaching but it can be a concern that loss of control could have a negative impact on the business and its relationship with the customer.
Does Your Site Need a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)?

Does Your Site Need a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)?

December 19, 2018 - 2 min to read

A SRE will work as part of the operations team and alongside writing code they make sure that IT systems function well.
Demand for Developer Talent Is Exploding: What You Need to Know

Demand for Developer Talent Is Exploding: What You Need to Know

December 18, 2018 - 4 min to read

The boom in digital products is continuing and IT is key to modern business development. This means the pressure is on to find a skilled workforce who can ensure a company is able to keep up with the trends.
5 Ways to Keep Your Development Team Competitive

5 Ways to Keep Your Development Team Competitive

December 13, 2018 - 3 min to read

Alongside the global shortage in developers, competition is high, so making sure that they continue to improve is an essential part of a developer’s work life.
DevOps: The Future of Business

DevOps: The Future of Business

December 10, 2018 - 3 min to read

Unless you have been on a desert island you will have undoubtedly heard of DevOps. DevOps is a method of software development where development and operations teams are merged with the aim to shorted the time to build, update and release software and it works by continuously testing it during the build, allowing early detection of problems and a shorter time from development to market.
Object Orientated Programming: What Is It?

Object Orientated Programming: What Is It?

December 07, 2018 - 2 min to read

Object-oriented programming (OOP) moves away from tradition procedural programming and uses objects, logic and data. It is one of the main tools in a programmer’s tool kit.

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