
Tech guides & industry insights

Boosting Your Software Development Project: Hire a Developer Engineer in Test

Boosting Your Software Development Project: Hire a Developer Engineer in Test

January 30, 2019 - 5 min to read

Having a software engineer in test is one of the major boosts in projectdevelopment and is essential, particularly for large projects. Their ability to write code and assessfor bugs and errors is vital for saving time, money and reducing stress in software development.In addition, your reputation is protected by ensuring that only high quality products get to the marketplace.
Five Good Reasons for Outsourcing User Experience (UX) Design

Five Good Reasons for Outsourcing User Experience (UX) Design

January 29, 2019 - 2 min to read

UX Design is about making the user experience as meaningful and valuable as possibleand is more and more becoming key to marketplace success. Many companies have in-house UX Designteams but more and more are choosing to outsource to gain access to expert knowledge and experience.
Cybersecurity: The Role of Outsourcing

Cybersecurity: The Role of Outsourcing

January 24, 2019 - 4 min to read

The threat of large scale security breaches means that cybersecurity is becoming increasingly vital. Making sure a company stays on top of all the changing cybersecurity needs and challenges is a huge task, placing a strain on the resources of an organization.
Chatbot Software Outsourcing Trends

Chatbot Software Outsourcing Trends

January 21, 2019 - 3 min to read

Businesses are looking to chatbots more and more as they seek better customer experience and it seems that customers are also more accepting of them as a way of communication. By 2025 it is anticipated that the global revenue for chatbots will reach USD 1.23 billion.
Why Partner with Your Outsourcing Provider?

Why Partner with Your Outsourcing Provider?

January 17, 2019 - 3 min to read

Many companies are looking towards outsourced teams when they need specific skills or extra capacity. Around 57% of those outsourcing do so to free themselves up to focus on their business and around 28% use it to access skills they don’t have in-house.
ITaaS — IT as a Service. Why Is It so Popular?

ITaaS — IT as a Service. Why Is It so Popular?

January 14, 2019 - 2 min to read

More and more companies are moving towards ITaaS where IT services are provided by an outside business rather than in-house. The organization can choose from a range of services, agree a price and have access to an agile IT supply company making it able to shift according to business needs.
Why Businesses Should Care About Decentralized Apps (dApps)

Why Businesses Should Care About Decentralized Apps (dApps)

January 10, 2019 - 3 min to read

What are decentralized apps? To be considered a decentralized app or dapp it must meet a set of criteria.
Industry 4.0: What It Is & How Outsourcing Plays a Key Role in Manufacturing

Industry 4.0: What It Is & How Outsourcing Plays a Key Role in Manufacturing

January 09, 2019 - 5 min to read

Industry 4.0 is history’s fourth industrial revolution – the technological revolution. Smart factories are evolving and will change the face of manufacturing with the use of machines that can communicate with each other to hike productivity and need less human intervention than ever before.

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