
Tech guides & industry insights

The Principles and Practices of DevOps — Why Are They Important?

The Principles and Practices of DevOps — Why Are They Important?

March 06, 2019 - 3 min to read

DevOps aims to reduce time and complications when developing, deploying and maintaining software systems. It is a relatively modern trend within IT where the teams involved with operations and development merge and work together towards a common goal.
How AI Helps Illuminate the Dark Web

How AI Helps Illuminate the Dark Web

February 27, 2019 - 3 min to read

The public face of the internet where we log in daily to check emails, social media and news items exists alongside the so-called ‘dark web’. Here you find the anonymous sites, password-protected areas that are a host to criminals who use it to sell drugs, guns and sometimes people.
Online Reservation Systems — 10 Key Features

Online Reservation Systems — 10 Key Features

February 25, 2019 - 4 min to read

Online reservation systems are a key part of the travel and tourism industry. In this competitive sector there are hundreds of choices available and users are demanding better experience and function all the time.
Choosing an API Management Platform

Choosing an API Management Platform

February 22, 2019 - 3 min to read

It is imperative that software systems can interact easily and securely and to provide this it is often the case that a good API management tool can make all the difference. These API Management platforms will help a company create, analyze and publish web APIs. An essential element is that integration takes place correctly in order for an organization to be able to take advantage of rapid industry changes.
What Is FinTech and How Did It Become a Global Trend?

What Is FinTech and How Did It Become a Global Trend?

February 19, 2019 - 3 min to read

FinTech – Financial Technology – began back in the 1950s with the first ATMs and credit cards and has continued to grow to the point where today it includes mobile technology, online financials and cryptocurrencies.
Software Outsourcing for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Software Outsourcing for the Pharmaceutical Industry

February 13, 2019 - 3 min to read

The pharmaceutical industry faces a number of challenges. There is public concerns about rising drug costs, and increasing regulation on drug testing and trials alongside the need to maintain high standards of safety.
Property Tech: The Future of Real Estate

Property Tech: The Future of Real Estate

February 07, 2019 - 3 min to read

The process of buying/selling real estate has remain largely unchanged but recently the industry has started to look at new, innovative ways of doing things. It is a large industry which lends itself well to lots of opportunities to remove any unnecessary processes and embracing new methods of working.
IT Staff Augmentation vs Delivery Teams — the Pros & Cons

IT Staff Augmentation vs Delivery Teams — the Pros & Cons

February 04, 2019 - 4 min to read

One of the key tools for managers looking for amazing software production, alongside boosting their company’s capability, is software outsourcing. The two most popular models are autonomous delivery teams and staff augmentation – in this article we look at the pros and cons of each one.

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