
Tech guides & industry insights

Top 8 Software Development Blogs to Follow in 2021: a Must Read

Top 8 Software Development Blogs to Follow in 2021: a Must Read

March 16, 2021 - 5 min to read

Living in the global village we are exposed to new technology every now & then. To keep up with technological revolutions, innovation has become a key survival skill. Businesses all over the world are revamping their working techniques & most of them have moved to the online world. However, to work in a digitally connected world you need software & websites, which makes the entire process easier.
Bespoke vs Off-the-shelf LMS

Bespoke vs Off-the-shelf LMS

March 09, 2021 - 7 min to read

Comparing bespoke and off-the-shelf learning management systems. Exploring the pros and cons of custom and out-of the-box LMS solutions.
Why Use Ruby on Rails for Your Project? Advantages & Use Cases

Why Use Ruby on Rails for Your Project? Advantages & Use Cases

March 02, 2021 - 5 min to read

We are living in a fast paced digitalized world, where online presence matters, especially websites. Whether you are buying or selling a product or setting up an entirely new venture, a website plays an essential role. The two components that make the website work perfectly include design and development.
Top 5 eLearning Trends In The United Kingdom: Reshaping The Industries

Top 5 eLearning Trends In The United Kingdom: Reshaping The Industries

February 25, 2021 - 6 min to read

When you hear the word technology, what comes to your mind? Maybe advancements & improvements? You’re right! It is about replacing traditional approaches with more modern techniques, that are not only less expensive but effective as well.
How Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Are Empowering the Healthcare Industry?

How Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Are Empowering the Healthcare Industry?

February 12, 2021 - 8 min to read

Despite being in the days of infancy, Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) are already having a positive impact on the healthcare industry. This technological innovation is entirely changing the way healthcare sectors used to operate.
Staff Augmentation — A Convenient Way to Expand Your Team

Staff Augmentation — A Convenient Way to Expand Your Team

February 01, 2021 - 5 min to read

Indeed, we are living in an era of technological revolution, which has transformed the organizational structure & operational mechanisms of a wide range of sectors. People sometimes assume that technological advancements are only a part of the IT domain. Wrong!
Software Development Staff Augmentation: Process and Risks

Software Development Staff Augmentation: Process and Risks

January 25, 2021 - 5 min to read

Hiring a group of offshore developers is a popular and reliable way to gain more project velocity, deal with technical debt, or quickly add a new skill set. In this article, we will explain how a dedicated software developer’s team is formed, what risks are there and how they’re mitigated.
Benefits of eCommerce & NetSuite Integration

Benefits of eCommerce & NetSuite Integration

January 22, 2021 - 5 min to read

There is no doubt that online stores have entirely changed the way people used to shop. In the old times, buyers used to roam around the market to find out the desired good, but now with just a click, the customers can buy almost everything. The reason behind this drastic change is the ease & convenience that e commerce businesses provide.

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