Tech guides & industry insights

What Is Angular JS & Why Do You Need It?
April 22, 2021 - 9 min to read
The more we advance as a species, the more technologies we invent. When it comes
to IT, there are so many of them, it’s hard to remember what’s what. Don’t worry,
Aristek is here to help. In this article we will tell you about Angular, its advantages and
disadvantages, prominent use cases, and why would you want to use it in your project.

5 Reasons to Choose Ruby on Rails for MVP: The Magic Wand
April 02, 2021 - 7 min to read
Have you ever wondered how the big monster companies like Dribbble, Shopify, Github, Twitter and Airbnb
are running so well without any technical glitches? What do they have in common? Which source they
have used to build such a flawless platform? Let us break the ice for you, all of them have
used the magic wand with the name Ruby on Rails for kick-starting their projects.

Top 3 .Net Framework Trends to Follow in 2021
March 22, 2021 - 6 min to read
Today, as the world is evolving every now and then, businesses have sensed the need for
building an online presence. They are now after web applications & websites that can attract
multiple users. To support such a development process different frameworks & platforms are used.

Why Use Ruby on Rails for Your Project? Advantages & Use Cases
March 02, 2021 - 5 min to read
We are living in a fast paced digitalized world, where online presence matters, especially websites. Whether you are buying or selling a product or setting up an entirely new venture, a website plays an essential role. The two components that make the website work perfectly include design and development.

Symfony Back-End Web Software Development
December 28, 2020 - 3 min to read
Symfony high availability makes it one of the most popular frameworks in PHP.

When You Need React Native (and When You Don’t)
December 22, 2020 - 6 min to read
React Native is a technology that can dramatically decrease the time needed to develop
a mobile app for both iOS and Android. Still, like any tool, it is not something that
is applicable to all cases. This article will help you understand when you should go for React
Native, and when it is better to opt for another technology.

What Programming Language Is the Best to Learn?
December 19, 2019 - 3 min to read
There are many programming languages out there so how do you decide which one to learn? Let’s take a closer look.

What You Need to Know about Spring Boot
September 27, 2019 - 2 min to read
Spring Boot is based on Spring, and some of its functions depend on Spring to work. Spring is popular with ava developers but to utilize it they have to configure it themselves.