Kanban Methodology in Software Development Services

Kanban is not a flexible methodology. Its essence consists in visualizing the workflow through cards. The methodology was invented in the mid-20th century and was first used by Toyota. Kanban allows you to reduce production costs by organizing the staff work on a more rational basis.
There are no strict rules and pre-distributed roles. Kanban-methodology in Software Development Services implies observing three basic principles:
- Making a list of tasks.
The time frame of realizing a project are either very wide or they are absent at all. The development team defines goals and divides the whole way to their achievement into a number of local tasks. The time required to solve one problem is measured. Along the way, the team efficiency to make certain decisions is analyzed. - Reduce the number of tasks.
Small tasks are systematized and combined into larger ones called stages. The project implementation resembles a conveyer. Each team member performs his or her task and passes the product on to the next person. It results in carrying out only those actions that are required.. - Workflow visualization.
The best tool is a special Kanban Board. It helps a contractor to see the priority of tasks.
It is a table with many columns. Each column consists of stickers which present current tasks. The key elements of Kanban Board are:
- Global task column.
It is at the beginning of the board. The development team uses it to focus on goals set for several weeks, months or a whole year ahead. - Priority of tasks.
The task above has a higher priority. - Problem solution stages.
Stickers with tasks are moved from one stage to another until they reach the final column. They can move both forward and backward according to the actual state. - The last column contains completed tasks.
To test their performance quality, it is not superfluous to check them and fix the results obtained in an additional allocated column. - Operational task area.
The most urgent task is presented here. Thanks to its location it attracts the whole team. - Depending on the number of team members, the number of tasks they can simultaneously solve is calculated.
This figure is fixed at the top of the column and should not be exceeded.
The priority and urgency of implementing this or that task can be further emphasized by the card colour where it is described.