Growing Stress for Mobile Workers Highlighted in Mobile Frustration Index

Published: September 13, 2019Updated: May 05, 2022
2 min to read
Growing Stress for Mobile Workers Highlighted in Mobile Frustration Index

The Mobile Frustration Index showcases what mobile workers in the US find are the most frustrating aspects of their job and gives businesses vital insight into where they can take action to improve the working lives of their mobile workforce.

The top-ranking issue for mobile workers is connectivity, in particular, the frustration of slow connection speeds. Several other key issues were raised; 16 factors were revealed to be causing most of the problems and these fell into 5 main categories:

  • Poor network connections.
  • Under-performing tools/software.
  • Old slow devices.
  • Security and compliance are overly restrictive.
  • Poor collaboration and communication.

Within these 5 categories the following issues were highlighted as the most frustrating:

  • Slow networks, false connections and constant disconnections.
  • Poor functionality of mobile apps.
  • Lengthy and restrictive authentication or login processes.
  • Devices — crashes, restarts and poor battery life.
  • Getting timed out of online sessions.
  • Login pages or captive portals freezing.
  • Unable to access the corporate system with ease.

The frustrations that featured the most in the top 10 were:

  • Battery issues — 62%. There is a widespread issue with employees being left with old and sub-standard devices.
  • Video conferencing — 57%. Interestingly there was less of a problem with collaboration tools with just 3% of workers saying they were problematic. This would indicate a problem with connectivity or application performance.
  • Connectivity problems (including getting locked out, locked in or showing a connection where there wasn’t one — 41%.
  • Legacy systems were among the top 5 frustrations for 23% of mobile workers.
  • Restrictive security was named as a general frustration for 20% of people responding.

Although mobile applications are constantly improving there were many complaints about their functionality which compared unfavorably to the desktop version and this was the fourth most frustrating issue named by mobile workers.

More work is being done on mobile apps than ever before but they are often reliant on a slow non-corporate network which causes increased levels of frustration daily.

It is well known that positive work experience gives benefits in terms of engagement and productivity and as more workers are based offsite the findings in this report are ignored at great risk.

The MFI research was conducted in August 2019 and included 285 US mobile workers.

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