Agile Methodology in Software Development Services

No universal recipe for creating software exists or can exist. However, guided by agile principles, you can avoid many problems and build a successful project. All these principles can be divided into 4 parts in accordance with project stages: delivery — communication — performance — improvement.
All separate elements are independent but employing one of them allows you to better understand all the rest. Difficult? Not when it comes to practice. Consider all the components of a successful software.
12 Principles of Building a Successful Project
- The main priority is to fully satisfy a customer’s need in software. Early delivery is the most effective way to direct the project development properly.
- It is possible to adjust requirements even at later stages of product development. This approach is the key agile advantage. A customer gets a competitive advantage due to more complete consideration of changing factors.
- A working product should be released as often as possible. By setting limits on your iteration lengths , you can boost your team creativity.
- The best way to communicate inside the team is to communicate directly. Sharing documentation is fine, but not enough. It is important to have a clear understanding of the information available by all team members.
- The key to a successful project is the daily collaboration between a customer and a developer. To solve issues that inevitably arise when creating specialized software, you need to have the access to relevant knowledge. The best way to get it is to communicate with the customer.
- To make a project viable, motivate contractors. Create all the necessary conditions for them, provide the information, support and do not waste their time.
- The main indicator of progress is a working product. Displaying software capabilities replaces a thousands of words.
- Maintain a steady pace. Put real time terms, organize work on a reasonable basis. Night and overtime gatherings are not the best way to achieve the result desired.
- The project flexibility is increased by constant monitoring of its technical side. Do not accumulate errors — neither small nor large. In the end, this easily leads to time failures and loss of investors’ confidence.
- Don’t do extra work. Such an obvious principle implies refusing to create excessive dependencies within the product and writing an unnecessary code.
- The best technical solutions are born in self-organized teams. The simpler and shorter the communication among team members are, the less time is spent on planning. The time saved is inevitably transformed into higher quality work.
- Control-analysis-adaptation. Three steps to increase software efficiency. Inflexibility in project development is the best way to make uncompetitive software.
Agile methodology in Software Development Services begins to bear fruit just after at least one of its principles is implemented.