
Tech guides & industry insights

6 Great Ways to Innovate — Starting Today!

6 Great Ways to Innovate — Starting Today!

September 28, 2018 - 2 min to read

Being innovative is all about staying relevant and far from being all about finding new ideas, innovation is also about taking familiar things and using them in new ways, energizing them and making them new and exciting. If you want to start innovating today, here are 6 great tips to help.
Better Decision Making for Your Business with These 4 Types of Data Analytics

Better Decision Making for Your Business with These 4 Types of Data Analytics

September 26, 2018 - 5 min to read

As far back as the 17th Century, the author John Dryden wrote of the need to dive deeply into a subject to find real meaning.
Corporate Network Security — The Essentials

Corporate Network Security — The Essentials

September 25, 2018 - 4 min to read

Cyberthreats are constantly in the news and are becoming more sophisticated. This article deals with the 3 main levels of security and how they can be established for your company.
Software as a Service (SaaS) — Key Benefits of App Development

Software as a Service (SaaS) — Key Benefits of App Development

September 20, 2018 - 2 min to read

SaaS – Software as a System – is a subscription based centrally hosted software accessible via standard browsers. Instead of buying the entire App the user just rents it for a set amount of time. This is one of the key benefits as it allows the user to keep costs low and all the technical issues are taken care of by the provider.
Quality Assurance in Software Project Development: How Soon Should It Start?

Quality Assurance in Software Project Development: How Soon Should It Start?

September 18, 2018 - 5 min to read

QA testing is obviously essential but the effectiveness in time and cost reduction is dependent on the customer’s needs and this should be established at the outset, as should the target audience and what their needs are.
Testing Automation Using .NET Software

Testing Automation Using .NET Software

September 12, 2018 - 2 min to read

The arena of software testing is a rapid growth area seeing engineers employed across multiple sectors. There are multiple test methods available including, agile, extreme, scrum, white box and the traditional black box tests. Black Box testing remains the most popular worldwide.
An Overview of Ecommerce & Tips for Success

An Overview of Ecommerce & Tips for Success

September 10, 2018 - 3 min to read

In this post we look at key types of e-commerce and how they can move towards commercial success.
Using Software for Time Management

Using Software for Time Management

September 06, 2018 - 2 min to read

One of the most common issues for software companies is having the ability to track the attendance and manage their employees’ time. This is not unique to the industry, however, most businesses will have the same type of issues and be facing a similar lack of technological ability to properly monitor their employees’ time.

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