
Tech guides & industry insights

7 Key Trends Transforming Digital & IT Operations Management

7 Key Trends Transforming Digital & IT Operations Management

July 12, 2019 - 2 min to read

Digital technology has forever changed the way that businesses work. In 2018 over US $1trillion was spent on digital services like cloud platforms, AI, VR, ML and many other technologies designed to increase business agility and improve customer experience.
4 Top Tips to Meet that Deadline

4 Top Tips to Meet that Deadline

July 09, 2019 - 2 min to read

“Deadline" - just hearing the word can cause panic. We all know that missing a deadline can lose a client, cost money or lead to extra hours at work to get things done. Deadline anxiety is real! Here are 4 great ways to make sure your team wins at deadlines every time.
Who Owns Continuous Testing

Who Owns Continuous Testing

July 02, 2019 - 3 min to read

In a world where Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is fast becoming the norm Continuous Testing (CT) is essential for organizations who want to deliver more and more rapidly to customers who insist that the software maintain its quality.
Predictions for Application Security

Predictions for Application Security

June 27, 2019 - 1 min to read

There are several exciting developments predicted for the future of application security expected over the next few years. It is anticipated that providers of software composition analysis tools are likely to see that SCA will become the leader when it comes to application security.
Testing Automation for Agile & DevOps

Testing Automation for Agile & DevOps

June 24, 2019 - 1 min to read

In modern business, a trade-off between speed, cost and quality is no longer on the table. As more and more automation and other tech initiatives hit the market development testers need to be able to scale Agile alongside the adoption of DevOps.
Poor Security Budgets Help Hackers Win

Poor Security Budgets Help Hackers Win

June 21, 2019 - 2 min to read

Cybersecurity is a hot topic – for businesses one breach can be devastating in terms of financial costs, lost trust and damage to reputation. It is vital, therefore, that security budgets reflect the amount of risk that your company faces.
Is Serverless Right for Your Business

Is Serverless Right for Your Business

June 18, 2019 - 1 min to read

Serverless has become more popular for businesses looking to move away from upfront payment to pay-on-demand pricing system alongside simplifying complexity. This complexity is unavoidable when managing infrastructure but moving on to the pay-as-you-go model means that this responsibility is removed.
NoOps Revisited

NoOps Revisited

June 13, 2019 - 2 min to read

NoOps is short for ‘no operations’ and indicates that a system is completely automated. The idea is gaining new traction as more companies move over to serverless processes where they can achieve speed of development and delivery without having to worry about in-house servers or clumsy infrastructure.

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