
Tech guides & industry insights

How Agile Can Modernize Mainframe Apps

How Agile Can Modernize Mainframe Apps

August 13, 2019 - 1 min to read

Mainframe apps are popular in industries that require a lot of regulation but these organizations can then lose out in terms of agility.
10 Best Ways to Automate IT Security Management

10 Best Ways to Automate IT Security Management

August 07, 2019 - 2 min to read

In the last year, more than 70% of business globally have had some kind of security breach incident and it is becoming more and more imperative that companies implement strategies to ameliorate this threat.
Microservices — the next Trending Technology?

Microservices — the next Trending Technology?

August 06, 2019 - 3 min to read

Microservices are smaller applications which can be packaged and installed as separate entities, in stark contrast to the existing architecture of monolithic application.
Great Ways to Use Augmented Reality (AR) in Your Business

Great Ways to Use Augmented Reality (AR) in Your Business

July 30, 2019 - 2 min to read

AR works by superimposing virtual overlays into the real world and this gives the user thechance to view something before it is produced or designed using an AR headset. AR cantransform your business, here are some of the most innovative ways you can use it to your advantage.
Release Orchestration Tools — The Way to Digital Transformation

Release Orchestration Tools — The Way to Digital Transformation

July 25, 2019 - 2 min to read

Companies are under increasing pressure to deliver quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively, particularly in the sphere of IT. Software is still relatively slow to release and manual deployment has been highlighted as one potential cause.
When Agile and Open Source Meet

When Agile and Open Source Meet

July 22, 2019 - 2 min to read

Both agile and open-source practices are becoming more common but are often seen as contradictory.However, despite their differences joining agile with open-source can bring multiple benefits.
VR Technology — 8 Industries That Can Reap Huge Benefits

VR Technology — 8 Industries That Can Reap Huge Benefits

July 18, 2019 - 3 min to read

VR is on the rise and can certainly make a huge difference in the way businesses operate. Here are the 8 industries which can benefit the most from embracing Virtual Reality.
8 Steps to Happy Clients

8 Steps to Happy Clients

July 15, 2019 - 3 min to read

Keeping a customer happy means meeting their needs and expectations plus offering them special attention and care.

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