
Tech guides & industry insights

Privacy as a Service (PaaS)

Privacy as a Service (PaaS)

September 16, 2019 - 2 min to read

Most of us have some kind of data profile online and, in light of several high profile security breaches, we are increasingly concerned about what happens to our data.
Growing Stress for Mobile Workers Highlighted in Mobile Frustration Index

Growing Stress for Mobile Workers Highlighted in Mobile Frustration Index

September 13, 2019 - 2 min to read

The Mobile Frustration Index showcases what mobile workers in the US find are the most frustrating aspects of their job and gives businesses vital insight into where they can take action to improve the working lives of their mobile workforce.
Key Storage Providers: a Guide for Developers

Key Storage Providers: a Guide for Developers

September 02, 2019 - 2 min to read

Developers write code and don't get involved with security, however, with the advent of DevOps developers are increasingly responsible for how well the code stands up to threat. One of the key ways that application security can be maintained is by code signing.
Low-Code — the 9 Secrets You Should Know

Low-Code — the 9 Secrets You Should Know

August 29, 2019 - 3 min to read

The idea of low code software development is attractive. No one wants to spend months and a lot of money on a huge team of developers when they can just use one or two. The rise of low code marches on, meaning that developers can quickly put an application online in a very short time.
How Cloud Computing Helps Increase Productivity

How Cloud Computing Helps Increase Productivity

August 26, 2019 - 2 min to read

With 85% of organizations worldwide using multi-cloud strategies, here are the top 10 ways that companies use the cloud to enhance the productivity of their business.
How to Get Your Project off to a Healthy Start

How to Get Your Project off to a Healthy Start

August 23, 2019 - 2 min to read

After the first project meeting, we all think we know exactly what we are going to do, who is going to do what, and how. Unfortunately, a few days later most of us then find that everyone has different ideas.
Performance Monitoring Moves to Developers with Serverless Computing

Performance Monitoring Moves to Developers with Serverless Computing

August 19, 2019 - 3 min to read

As more software companies appreciate that to survive they need to become digital they move more and more to microservices and serverless to maintain their competitive edge.
Why Postgres Could Be a Great Choice for Your Business

Why Postgres Could Be a Great Choice for Your Business

August 15, 2019 - 3 min to read

Postgres is an open-source database management system that is designed to handle varying workloads.

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