Case studies

See how we solve business problems with custom software

How we made an AI assistant for analytical dashboards in 3 months
How we made an AI assistant for analytical dashboards in 3 months
Read how our AI assistant for analytical dashboards greatly improved decision-making for a US logistics company.
Maintenance Schedule Management Solution for Vehicles of Different Types
Maintenance Schedule Management Solution for Vehicles of Different Types
This case study focuses on how Aristek was able to provide a comprehensive maintenance schedule management solution for a mid-sized software company.
Advanced ERP for a Top US Logistics Company
Advanced ERP for a Top US Logistics Company
We delivered this project for a well-known US transportation and logistics company. When the customer approached us with a request, they had around 60 employees, including truck drivers as well as office staff. Aristek united all the client’s processes in one convenient application. As a result, employee productivity was improved by 23% and fuel expenditure was decreased by 31%.
ERP to Automate Sales & Operations for the US Car Shipping Company
ERP to Automate Sales & Operations for the US Car Shipping Company
A comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System that dramatically increased efficiency of a well-known US-based vehicle transportation company.

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