Tech guides & industry insights

JavaScript React and Redux Software Architecture
April 16, 2018 - 3 min to read
Building users’ interfaces is being improved. Developers employ innovative algorithms allowing them to arrange a customized resource. The basis for creating users’ interfaces is Javascript React & Redux software architecture.

React JS Development for Desktops & Mobile Devices
March 27, 2018 - 2 min to read
Efficient and productive apps serve business people as additional mechanisms for optimizing their work.After React JS has appeared in the market developers have acquired wide opportunities for creating customizedusers’ interfaces. New Facebook product is actively used to write “clean” mobile apps to updatebusiness-processes, improve connections with customers and offer them new ways of cooperation.

React Native Development for Desktops & Mobile Devices
March 20, 2018 - 2 min to read
Facebook has recently launched an open source framework React Native that can be used to develop mobile apps. The new platform allows writing hybrid programs for iOS, Android, Universal Windows Platform, and they look like native ones.

Benefits of PHP Symfony Development
March 19, 2018 - 3 min to read
PHP Symfony is a popular framework for developing business-solutions. It is selected for websites, large marketplaces by both experienced company leaders and market beginners. Why is it to employ this open source creation when making IT-products and services?

Benefits of Ruby on Rails Web Development
March 06, 2018 - 3 min to read
The system approach is the basis for developing a site. Programmers choose a “hood” due to the web-project type, nature and goals. Ruby on Rails software is quite often used while creating Internet-products.