Microservices — the next Trending Technology?

Published: August 06, 2019Updated: May 16, 2022
3 min to read
Microservices — the next Trending Technology?

Microservices are smaller applications which can be packaged and installed as separate entities, in stark contrast to the existing architecture of monolithic application.

Monolithic Apps cause a variety of problems including:

  • Inability to use different technologies.
  • One system fails, the whole app fails.
  • Hard to scale — needs frequent rebuilds.
  • Hard to develop and update.
  • Slow development.

By using microservices many of these issues are circumvented:

  • Microservice architecture consists of many autonomous services that can be accessed by multiple users across different platforms and devices.
  • The microservices are organized around a central business domain.
  • Services are integrated and assigned to the appropriate microservice, taking account of different functions.
  • Microservices have their environments in which they perform actions and store their database.
  • Can use different platforms and programming languages
  • Communication is simple via a message Bus or REST
  • Using Service Discovery allows microservices to monitor and execute operational functions
  • Use of the The API Gateway to inform clients what functions are executed by microservices
  • Anyone connected to the API Gateway is connected to the entire system.

6 Benefits of Microservices

The 6 main reasons why microservices could be the next big technology in software companies include:

  1. Simple — building, maintaining and coding is a lot easier and different databases, languages and environments may be used. All services can be installed, rebuilt and managed as separate entities avoiding large processor loads. If one microservice fails others are not affected and the problem can be rapidly resolved.
  2. Organized around business capabilities, not technology — microservices are adaptable enough to be used in a variety of contexts. One microservice may be utilized on several channels and every team member can be responsible for one aspect of the service.
  3. Enhanced productivity and speed — the services are smaller and can be developed quickly. Several teams can develop multiple services simultaneously with no downtime waiting for one team to complete before another can start. Microservices can be found and changed with ease, testing is easier and the QA process is faster.
  4. Flexibility — microservices can use different technologies depending on what is the most suitable and these work seamlessly with each other. It is easy to scale the solution and access and change the services as necessary.
  5. Cross-functional, independent teams — huge monolithic systems often require huge teams; microservices use smaller teams that can work independently and more flexibly.
  6. Enhanced customer service — microservices work to help provide excellent customer service in the following ways:

    • Better, more extensive contact channels.
    • Infinite scalability because it is stored in the cloud.
    • Higher performance.
    • Customer data available on multiple channels

Microservices provide several key advantages for business. While some may find the use of multiple frameworks and languages intimidating, there is a compelling case for their use and it is certainly one of the hottest new trends.

If you’re looking for a company that provides Ruby on Rails development and other software development services contact us.

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