ITaaS — IT as a Service. Why Is It so Popular?

Published: January 14, 2019Updated: May 10, 2022
2 min to read
ITaaS — IT as a Service. Why Is It so Popular?

More and more companies are moving towards ITaaS where IT services are provided by an outside business rather than in-house. The organization can choose from a range of services, agree a price and have access to an agile IT supply company making it able to shift according to business needs.

The draw of these companies are that the buyer gets what they pay for and only what they use avoiding waste in financial resources for unneeded technology.

Global IT Management

For large multinationals ITaaS is a great option because of the level of support that is included. The IT company takes care of all the updates, monitoring and device management throughout the organization and for all of its employees. If there is a problem the devices can be accessed remotely by the ITaaS Provider and corrected with routine maintenance and updates done in the same way. They often provide enhanced reporting when issues occur which is another reason why global companies choose to use them.

Employees are able to access support from anywhere either by opening a support ticket or searching the database for self-help solutions. They can check their ticket status or to ask for a new device, providing them with simple and time effective solutions to IT problems.

Enhanced Security Features

With breaches in security becoming more common the question of security is a worry for all companies and of great concern to the general public. The ITaaS provider is able to monitor the service full-time which saves their clients the cost of employing people to do this in-house. Any alerts, disruptions or hardware/software attacks are handled by the ITaaS provider, freeing the organization from the worries of having to equip themselves to deal with these. This is a major feature that draws businesses to use ITaaS providers.

Reduction of Costs and Better Scalability

Most ITaaS agreements are constructed on a pay-per-month schedule and are organized in increments depending on how many team members will access the system and the individual back-end needs of the customer. As a business starts to scale up (or down) the IT service can be adjusting alongside this without the worry of incurring additional unexpected costs. It means that businesses are able to forecast their IT costs more easily, can budget and then pick the scale of support they need. Most ITaaS have this in mind and are very flexible with easy to understand pricing levels which encourages organizations to consider the switch.

In general, ITaaS providers will deliver a resource as and when needed. This means more companies are moving away from in-house IT services and departments and outsourcing them so they can prioritize other areas of the business. ITaaS provides another step towards personal and efficient digital solutions which are tailored to individual company needs.

If you’re looking for a company that provides React Native Application Development Services and other software development services contact us.

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