The IT Project Life Cycle Holds Huge Untapped Potential

If an IT project fails it is almost always down to bad planning or bad requirements. By following the 80/20 theory and increasing your planning by 20%, your productivity will increase by 80%.
Reflecting on your past IT projects is key; make sure you look at what has worked well in the past and what has not. Take stock of the management tools for both requirements and the project that you have used for past web development projects.
In order to create great software you should look at and follow the Project Life Cycle:
#1 Scope of the Project
This involves team selection and the development of the business case. IT project managers should look carefully at their requirements and how the team members can use their skill and expertise to meet these.
#2 Planning and Process Modeling
This stage creates the project plan which will be used to both guide and control the project in order to develop a prototype. As part of this customer reviews should be conducted via interview in order to make sure the IT project meets the business and usability requirements.
#3 Execution
This is the part of the project that involves executing the planned solution to the IT problem set up in the project requirements. This means that the project moves forward to the point where a product or system is set up specifically to meet the specified requirements and a design is produced. Part of this is the development of the prototype, alongside testing and reviewing the project. This is also the time to plan all the final tests and look at elements of production and support.
#4 Closure
This is the final stage at which the IT project manager completes the project ensuring that it has met all the requirements identified throughout the life cycle process.