Increased Speed for DoneJS JavaScript Framework

DoneJS, version 3 has been released. This open-source tool builds real-time mobile and web based apps around the JavaScript framework. This latest version includes much faster rendering and enables real time user interfaces to be developed and run on multiple platforms.
DoneJS Version 3: What’s New?
The main benefit to Version 3.0 is the much speedier server rendering. The tool uses incremental rendering where the application is split into two component parts:
- Static content: This content can be sent immediately meaning that the app can boot much earlier.
- Dynamic content: This must wait and the server continues to render this before forwarding to the client.
Other new features in DoneJS Version 3 include:
- The CanJS 5.0 client-side JavaScript framework: This includes tree-shaking where dead code is eliminated by examining which code is actually being used via important statements. CanJS has also been given a more configurable service layer.
- The StealJS 2.0 JavaScript dependency loader has been added to make debugging easier. It removes the promise-polyfill when this is not required.
DoneJS also incorporates:
- DOM helpers from the jQuery JavaScript library.
- FuncUnit functional tests.
- DocumentJS documentation engine.
The builders of DoneJS continue to pledge to improve developer experience including build times by using steal-tools build technology. Their main sponsor is the software engineering company, Bitovi.
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