Case studies
See how we solve business problems with custom software

Advanced Workout Management & Fitness Tracking App
A centralized platform for sports coaches and their clients with the opportunity to build, manage and analyze workouts. Coaches are able to build charged or free and searchable or non-searchable training programs.

Cross-Platform Mobile Application for Health Tracking
Health is a cross-platform mobile application designed to collect and store the data on men’s and women’s urine flow to make urine health tracking easier. With Health there is no need for weekly hospital visits, your physician is already aboard tracking data with you and providing consultancy via doctor-patient private chat.

Cross-Platform Tickets Booking Mobile Application for Theaters & Cinemas
E‑time (entertainment time) — is a cross-platform application which enables you to check the schedule of more than 1200 theaters and cinemas in one place and buy tickets safely inside the app.