Case studies

See how we solve business problems with custom software

STEM Certification Platform for the US eLearning Giant
STEM Certification Platform for the US eLearning Giant
Our platform helps teachers get STEM certifications.
Award-winning LMS for the US K‑12 education giant
Award-winning LMS for the US K‑12 education giant
Built from scratch US market targeted LMS for K-12 to manage academic operations. Developed with PHP, RoR and React JS technologies.
Advanced Custom LMS for the US EdTech Giant
Advanced Custom LMS for the US EdTech Giant
Our customer wanted us to create a custom LMS which would stay the connector of teachers and students, a progress tracking tool and the educational source to a large number of schools.
Volcano 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Volcano 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Compared to traditional approaches, Aristek has developed an interactive tool for generating 3D scenes. This tool can provide 20‑30% superior student engagement scores.
Galaxies 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Galaxies 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Compared to traditional approaches, Aristek has developed an interactive tool for generating 3D scenes. This tool can provide 20‑30% superior student engagement scores.
Staff Augmentation for the UK eLearning Company
Staff Augmentation for the UK eLearning Company
Mid-sized elearning company from the UK faced growth pains. Aristek quickly put together a dedicated team and increased the customer’s development speed by 20%.
Mathematical Games for the US Major eLearning Company
Mathematical Games for the US Major eLearning Company
Competitive Mathematical Games for a major US elearning company, which products are used by millions of students and teachers around the world. Management wanted to improve the efficiency of their products for young kids (under 5th grade) and chose the game-based learning approach, which has been proven to work better for this target audience.
AR & VR-enabled platform for a top US EdTech company
AR & VR-enabled platform for a top US EdTech company
Aristek introduced augmented and virtual reality to a platform used by millions of students and teachers.

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