Online Brokerage Sales Management System for the Land Agency

Comprehensive CRM system for task assignment, recording of transactions made by land agents and operational efficiency analysis.
Project Background
CRM system is used for specific tasks for companies that sell land. The system will consider particular features of the specific US states when estimating commissions of sales agents. Special module that rates work efficiency of employees allows to make prompt KPI estimation for individual employee and for the company generally. Employees’ work results breakdown is used by the system when generating sales incentive plans for the company. The system traces open information about current and potential customers (marital status, place of living, preferences) and using innovative methods of data processing allows to make unique offers for clients considering their individual characteristics.
- Staff Management;
- Team Management;
- Access Levels Management;
- Transactions Management:
- Property Management;
- Income Referal Split Management;
- Comission Pay Out;
- Brokerage Fee Distribution;
- Individual and Team Task Management;
- Outbound Referal Management;
- Individual and Team KPI Analysis;
- Interactive Dashboard Embedded;
- Graphic Dashboard Embedded.
Tools & Technologies
- PHP Symfony
- w2ui Library
- D3 Library
- MySql
- jQuery
- PHP Symfony 3
- Web 2.0
- Amazon EC2
Customer Benefits
- Online performance analysis;
- Effective arrangement of completed deals;
- Convenient tasks assignments within the team.