Case studies
See how we solve business problems with custom software

Innovative Metaverse food court solution for the UAE company
Solution developed for the UAE full-stack food technology multi-kitchen delivery company entering into the Metaverse.

Volcano 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Compared to traditional approaches, Aristek has developed an interactive tool for generating 3D scenes. This tool can provide 20‑30% superior student engagement scores.

Galaxies 3D scenes created for the US K-12 EdTech company
Compared to traditional approaches, Aristek has developed an interactive tool for generating 3D scenes. This tool can provide 20‑30% superior student engagement scores.

AR & VR-enabled platform for a top US EdTech company
Aristek introduced augmented and virtual reality to a platform used by millions of students and teachers.