Mobile App or Mobile Website: Which is Best for Your Business?

Published: November 11, 2019Updated: May 16, 2022
2 min to read
Mobile App or Mobile Website: Which is Best for Your Business?

When looking at choosing a mobile app or mobile website the key difference is how it is accessed by the user. When choosing between the two you need to focus on what you expect the app or website to do.

Mobile Websites

A mobile website is good if you want your customers to be able to access your full website on their device. If your site is content orientated a mobile website will be something to consider, however, to access it the user must be able to connect to the internet.

Mobile Apps

These are downloaded straight to the user’s mobile device and are good to raise awareness of your brand. Native mobile apps, in particular, can be designed for single or multiple platforms and can either be downloaded in full or require internet access to pull data from the internet. These often provide an excellent user experience.

Which One is Best for You?

As with everything it all depends on your goals. If you want to develop a mobile game then an app will be the way forward. If you already have a website for your business it could make sense make a mobile website that can replicate the site without having to develop an app. Additionally, for businesses who decide to develop a mobile website it is always possible to offer a mobile app later which offers additional functionality to the users.

Key factors to consider regarding mobile native apps and mobile websites:

  • Mobile apps are good for public relations, communications and marketing and provide rapid, easy user access
  • Mobile apps cost less than developing a mobile website
  • Mobile apps experience fewer compatibility issues
  • Mobile websites can be more easily changed and updated
  • Updating mobile apps can be complex requiring user involvement to install updated versions

When making the final decision the key factor is how this impacts the user experience and how this will give a beneficial result to your organization.

If you’re looking for a company that provides QA and other software development services contact us.

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