A thoughtfully designed RFP template

Your personal guide in the LMS selection journey

Your personal guide in the LMS selection journey

Pick an ideal vendor and LMS solution

We have created comprehensive material that is not just a template but also a helpful guide through the essential components of an effective LMS RFP.

There are plenty of expert comments sprinkled throughout the document, providing clarity, context, examples, and insights — ensuring you ask the right questions and capture the vital information necessary for informed decision-making.

Our goal was to make sure you navigate through the whole process with confidence and ease, and choose the right LMS solution for your needs. Keeping that in mind, we hope you’ll find the LMS RFP template helpful.

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Project overview
  • LMS requirements
  • Costs and budget
  • Proposal guidelines
  • Terms and conditions

This is how you can use it effectively:

  • Fill in blank spaces with your company information.
  • Delete any irrelevant data and customize text according to your needs.
  • Replace the image, add your logo and header colors to brand it for your company.
  • Remove all the comments.

Use this template and get the most out of the LMS selection process. If there is anything else we can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

LMS RFP template with expert comments

Start using the template by clicking the link OR download the document (docx.)

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