Web Application Development Using Ruby on Rails

Published: April 17, 2018Updated: May 14, 2022
3 min to read
Web Application Development Using Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails framework is used to develop web applications. The software has two main goals that greatly simplify IT-specialists’ work: make the development process easier and create real users’ applications with “minimal” code and configuration.

The software operation principle is based on eliminating a repeated code. Working with Ruby on Rails allows eliminating data with the same semantic load in the program code. Using such a framework also eliminates the need for configuring. Additional extensions are used together with the framework.

Ruby Language Popularity

RoR is one of the best frameworks for creating small and medium-sized web applications. Popularity is caused by its simplified and fast development. Also, this “simplification” positively affects reducing the final product price.

RoR is of particular interest in creating customized ecommerce web-applications. The language allows you to create attractive catalogs, various tools to improve your work on the Internet.

Ruby technology will not be an alternative for enterprise-level applications. In such cases, a proven Java platform is more preferable. But thanks to simplifying RoR development, it is a complete replacement for PHP and Perl tools. The most popular web-resources built on Ruby on Rails are Twitter.com and the Shopify ecommerce solution.

Benefits of Using Ruby on Rails in Web Application Development

Web application development using ruby on rails doesn’t just involve working with the latest technologies to integrate various functions.

The powerful and easy-to-use application is also based on a critical analysis of any project requirements. IT-specialists evaluate the necessary time entry and resources consumed and select proven strategies.

Cooperation with IT Outsourcing Companies

  • Modern equipment and technologies allow creating effective RoR web applications.
  • Providing long-term solutions for a wide range of tasks.
  • Quality service, technology support.
  • Development of systems designed to meet any business needs.
  • Personal data security and privacy are guaranteed.
  • Customers participate in planning and monitoring product development processes.

Take Advantages of RoR With Aristek Systems

Our company performs web development using Rubyon Rails. The service is available for organizations and enterprises engaged in various businessareas from any region.

  1. Qualified engineers whose experience in the field of software is more than 10 years.
  2. Our expertise includes more than 50 successfully developed user applications. IT outsourcing hub offers to develop:

    • social networking sites;
    • ecommerce applications;
    • business-applications;
    • web applications and products for commercial organizations.
  3. Customers can be provided also with such services as:

    • CMS development;
    • QA, software testing;
    • technical support of the software product, system maintenance;
    • system integration.

Terms of service are discussed after achieving agreements and signing a contract.

You can get additional information on the phones indicated, through the website contact form or e-mail.

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