NoOps Revisited

NoOps is short for ‘no operations’ and indicates that a system is completely automated. The idea is gaining new traction as more companies move over to serverless processes where they can achieve speed of development and delivery without having to worry about in-house servers or clumsy infrastructure.
What Is NoOps?
At present most serverless offerings are used to deal with specific problems on a case by case basis with developers making great efforts to dovetail things together. However, on a NoOps platform, the system is fully integrated and can do almost everything without needing to involve the developer at all. As more and more businesses embrace the idea of serverless, NoOps becomes more attractive.
Is NoOps the Next Evolution?
DevOps represents a huge leap forward in the way that development and operations work. Although they can combine to produce and deliver solutions continuously they do need a certain amount of time and resources devoted to integration, security and a robust NoOps solution can take care of all of this reducing the need for an individual developer to undertake tasks relating to infrastructure.
It is worth noting that no system will be completely NoOps but it is something that many organizations can look towards and use as an aspiration point to streamline and make efficiencies. The closer they can get to NoOps the better placed they are to reduce spend on operations and re-purpose the money by investing in development and increasing capability. In large companies, this can represent a large sum especially when you consider that current operations budgets range from 40-80% of IT spend. Operations staff can, therefore, be reassigned to meet other business needs.
NoOps will also not replace DevOps, it is simply the highest state for DevOps to aim for and it uses the central tenets of DevOps to be successful. There will always be a need for clean coding, CI/CD pipelines, proper staging and quality assurance. NoOps means that DevOps capabilities must be maintained and the culture and mindset cultivated rather than imposing another new set of rules.
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