HTML vs HTML5 What You Need to Know

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to develop websites and is the most common online language. Most developers use it to make sure that the site and all the links and media work properly when displayed on a browser.
HTML is often used with Cascade Style Sheets (CSS) which is a code that gives the page its layout. HTML remains the king pin of web developing and has been the standard language used since 1997.
So Why HTML5?
The aim of HTML5 is to update HTML and improve design for the developers and give a better experience to the users. In IT everything needs to be regularly maintained and kept up to date and in the case of websites HTML5 means that support is now available for video and audio to be embedded in sites. HTML5 updated HTML to make the language more efficient for the creation of websites.
The main differences are:
- HTML5 supports virtual vector graphics. Before this the vector graphics could only be used in with different technologies like VML and Flash.
- HTML can use SQL-like databases. These were not supported in HTML.
- With HTML5 temporary data storage in user application caches are enabled. This was limited to a browser cache in HTML.
- HTML5 allows JavaScript to run with the browser meaning that developers can use the language on websites easily.
- HTML5 is more compatible with other sites/applications because of the way it uses parsing rules.
- Inline MathML and SVG can be used in HTML5 but not in the earlier language.
- HTML5 was able to drop a number of elements
- Changed elements — some of the original elements have been removed and new ones added.
- HTML5 supports more form controls like dates, time, telephone and so on.
The Advantages of HTML5
HTML has a number of advantages in both language and function which makes it useful in meeting the needs of web developers and website users. These include:
- Persistent Error Handling — developers can work to reverse engineer to eliminate troublesome code and improve parsing.
- Improved semantics has led to the removal of obsolete elements making it easier to trace any mistakes in code.
- Better support for web apps — the browser can now act in the same was an an application platform.
- There is more control over the function of the website.
- Removal of the need to use JS or Flash by incorporating new elements into the language.
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