Symfony Back-End Web Software Development

Symfony high availability makes it one of the most popular frameworks in PHP.
With this technology it is possible to create:
- project management systems of different directions;
- media projects;
- users’ applications;
- online-exchanges;
- monitoring systems;
- attractive catalogs;
- blockchain-platforms;
- services for automating employees’ work in companies / enterprises.
Symfony software development allows developers to use dozens of tools:
- The most popular are:
FOSUserBundle, API Platform, EasyAdmin, NelmioApiDocBundle. - The frequently used ones are:
DoctrineMigrationsBundle, LiipImagineBundle, KnpPaginatorBundle, FOSJsRoutingBundle. - Useful tools are:
KnpSnappyBundle, GenemuFormBundle, LexikFormFilterBundle. - For the integration:
SncRedisBundle and others.
Seven Reasons to Choose Symfony
- Safety
The framework is highly secure compared to other PHP technologies. Each program version is directly supported by developers. - Scalability
One of the main advantages is Symfony scaling. The special language architecture allows the instant connection of ready-made modules to the project. also, it is possible to adapt proven modules to the project, which extends its functionality. - System flexibility
The technology allows using only those components that are necessary to realize a project successfully. - Resource usage optimization
Simple and fast Symfony load balancing makes it possible to distribute tasks across multiple servers. This structure helps optimize resources, reduce the time spent on servicing requests and ensure system fault tolerance. - Community support
Symfony developers’ community is constantly expanding, and it is considered as the most active. - Different difficulty degrees
The framework is a stable system. It is used to create software of different complexity. Due to its flexibility it is possible to replace components for those suitable for a project. - Deserved reputation
The framework is supported by dozens of leading development companies around the world.
Three Components of Quality Development
- Carrying out expertise
Regardless of the complexity level, each project passes through expertising. Qualified IT specialists with more than years of experience are creating a product. Developers engaged in international projects are fully involved into customer’s business. - Control
The project is monitored at each stage of its creation. Terms and quality of work are strictly controlled. - Guarantees
A customer is provide with the professional technical support and project maintenance. The high level of performance is also confirmed by appropriate certificates which are available.
Professional Support
Airstek Systems company carries out Symfony web application design and development. The goals and work plan are carefully agreed with customers. They can change the development plan at any time to increase project efficiency.
The terms are discussed after achieving agreements and signing a contract.
For more information, please contact phone numbers listed on the website or by filling out the contact form. IT- outsourcing services are available in any region.