8 of 2019s Top Software Testing Trends

Published: July 05, 2018Updated: May 17, 2022
3 min to read
8 of 2019s Top Software Testing Trends

As more technologies arrive each year there are rapid changes and transformations in the software development sector, increasing the need to maintain standards by establishing new software testing approaches.

Here are 8 of the most compelling software testing trends:

1. Database Testing

Database testing makes sure that data accuracy is maintained and that the software acts as expected, maintaining consistent, accurate function alongside validity, consistency and conformity. Big Data Applications are coming to the fore and further growth is predicted, meaning that there needs to be specialized tools and techniques in place for testing huge datasets.

2. IoT Testing

Internet of Things (IoT) testing consists of a variety of tests to determine the quality of the IoT device. There are 5 such tests including

  • Usability testing — assesses the quality of the UX.
  • Compatibility testing — verifies that the device is compatible over multiple IoT systems.
  • Performance testing — produces simulations to establish how IoT devices perform under pressure.
  • Data integrity testing — looks at how data accuracy and integrity is maintained when accessed by multiple IoT devices.
  • Security testing — to ensure data privacy and validate user authentication methods.

3. Digital Transformation and QA

As businesses recognise the increased need for software QA their budgets have risen since 2015 and are expected to remain high. Most of this funding is used for DWH, back-up, recovery, security and access to cloud-based testing options.

4. Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) has multiple functions within software testing including:

  • Log Analytics — ML identifies test cases that require manual not automatic execution.
  • Test Suite Optimization — Detects redundant test cases.
  • Traceability — Uses keywords from the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) to make sure that enough parameters are tested.
  • Predictive Analytics — Looks at and predicts end users’ behaviour, looks at ways to promote user adoption.
  • Defect Analytics — Identifies areas of high risk.

5. Performance Engineering

Performance engineering is taking off in 2019 and involving software engineers at the early development stages will enable them to forecast and prevent any potential future issues as well as helping to maintain the systems design, architecture and performance. A qualified engineer with a full understanding of queuing theory is essential to manage the new code and database requirements.

6. Combined Manual and Automated Testing

Automated testing enables teams to focus on test case generation rather than simply executing them. By leveraging test automation test times and coverage are enhanced. GUI and performance tests are particular suited to automated testing. Although manual testing is still dominating the field each approach has their own drawbacks and QA professionals have responded by using a combination of the two.

7. Shortened Delivery Cycles

Developers are under more and more pressure to delivery quickly and in order to do this they must integrate testing into development. Investment in the area aims to improve productivity as well as shortening delivery cycles.

8. Increased Adoption of DevOps

In DevOps all stakeholders must be committed to coordinate throughout the development cycle. With continuous QA and testing it is possible to validate the app parts that the developers create. The developer plays a role in QA by creating and running tests that check that the software is working to capacity, that it is useable and secure.


QA professionals must invest time and effort into learning to use the latest tools and enhancing their skills. This will enable them to keep up-to-date with new trends, including IoT testing and machine learning.

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