The Future of IoT According to Developers

Published: May 08, 2019Updated: May 16, 2022
2 min to read
The Future of IoT According to Developers

If you want to know about the future of any new technology it is always worth looking at what the developers are doing. Recently the Eclipse Foundation undertook a study of 1,700 IoT developers to look at their concerns and hopes for the future of the Internet of Things.

Concerns about connectivity came top of the list, followed closely by data issues like collection and analytics, overall performance, privacy and standards. Connectivity was down in third place for IoT developers last year although data collection, analysis, security and so on also increased. It seems that as more and more IoT projects hit the production stage the physical constraints of connectivity are coming to the fore. There are also concerns regarding the use of incompatible technologies that have impacted the successful connectivity in IoT projects.

IoT Standards and Interoperability

The ability to maintain standards and achieve interoperability between vendors has been a challenge especially in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The need to break out of proprietary restrictions and look at compatible infrastructure has led to calls for standard protocols to be in place to allow machines to talk to each other more easily. If the market is to keep evolving there must be the ability for interoperability otherwise quality performance cannot translate into the real world.

Cloud Developments for IoT

The Eclipse Foundation’s survey also looked at how IoT is used in the real world. Its utilization of the public/hybrid cloud is increasing all the time. Leading IoT cloud providers include

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform lead the way just as they do throughout the rest of the IT industry. It seems that more and more IIoT’s will move into the hybrid cloud as a way to reduce factory data latency and the cost advantages of the new modern infrastructures available.

In a lot of ways the world of IoT is similar to the rest of the software development world. It uses the same programming languages with Java and C as popular with IoT development as it is in other areas. However, the use of emulators and simulators make development complex and often hardware and software are developed together which increases complexity. For example, web developers may use Java to work on front end development, the back end developers may rely on the cloud infrastructure and embedded developers will concentrate on software for constrained devices.

In short, IoT developers have a lot on their minds.

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